

Kawahara Reki’s Live Commentary

Just a small ad.
Some already know, but I’m translating the live commentary tweets Kawahara does for each SAO II episode over here.
There will usually be a delay, but feel free to read it if you’re interested.

Phantom Bullet: 01020304050607080910111314

Calibur: 151617

Mother’s Rosario: 181920222324

(there is no commentary for 12 and 21)

SAO Cybersecurity Handbook

"SAO Cybersecurity Handbook"Download
“SAO Cyberseucrity Handbook”.
This… took a long, long time.

Sugary Days 9

Translation of Sword Art Online ME 19, Sword Art Online Sugary Days 9.


Sugary Days 8

Translation of Sword Art Online ME 18, Sword Art Online Sugary Days 8.


The Much-Talked-About Esteemed Sub-leader

Translation of Sword Art Online ME 17, The Much-Talked-About Esteemed Sub-leader.


Sugary Days 7

Translation of Sword Art Online ME 16, Sword Art Online Sugary Days 7.
It may be good to read up to SAO Progressive v3 before this.


Sugary Days 6

Translation of Sword Art Online ME 15, Sword Art Online Sugary Days 6.


Sugary Days 5

Translation of Sword Art Online ME 14, Sword Art Online Sugary Days 5.


War of the Underworld

Translation of Sword Art Online’s volume 16, chapter 18.

Latest update: 12th December [continue from last update]
And that’s the end for this stream of updates.
It’ll likely take a while before I release anything for the next chapter.

Yen Press appears to have screwed up colour illustrations on SAO v6. See here. They appear to be offering returns.
Shameless advertising: Yen Press’s SAO Volume 8 and 9 are available for pre-order. Go get them.
Amazon referrals: v7, P.v3 (Pre-order: v8, v9, P.v4 | Out: v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, P.v1, P.v2)
Available at other retailers too if you haven’t gotten them yet.



Translation of the (really, really, really) short story with the theme of “swimsuit” written by Kawahara Reki, of Sword Art Online, printed behind the stickers given with certain purchases during Dengeki Bunko’s fair for breaking through 3000 titles.


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