

Kawahara Reki’s Live Commentary

Just a small ad.
Some already know, but I’m translating the live commentary tweets Kawahara does for each SAO II episode over here.
There will usually be a delay, but feel free to read it if you’re interested.

Phantom Bullet: 01020304050607080910111314

Calibur: 151617

Mother’s Rosario: 181920222324

(there is no commentary for 12 and 21)

Status, etc

Seems useful, so I’ll keep this status update somewhat updated with the updated updates.
The updated date of this update post will be the latest date this was updated.



If there are any, please mention them here, in this post.

Oh, and if you followed me on the previous site as a follower, you’ll have to do the “Notify me of new posts via email.” thing again for email notifications.
Go ahead and use the comment box here for that too.

(@Those people asking if there was an email notification function in the c8 post:
Yeah, I just realized that function actually existed normally recently. Ahaha.
It’s at the comment box, just check that option there and send a comment.)


Ah, this really isn’t an update or anything, but if anyone’s heading to Sakura-con 2013 next Saturday (30th March), a recording of the Kawahara Reki panel, please.
It’s from 1 pm to 2 pm at Panels 1 (6C).
…Well, I might get something else done sometime soon, though.

Anime Festival Asia (SG)
