


Random translations of random stuff.
That’s all.

Regarding uploading onto aggregator sites filled with ads (Mangafox, etc), go ahead.
I honestly don’t like it, I can’t stop you, after all.

But do keep the credits page at the very least.
And do avoid uploading to sites that downsize the quality or toss watermarks onto the pages.

For novel translations, putting them in eBooks or PDFs is fine with me. But don’t put them behind referral links or paywalls (essentially, don’t profit off them). Such links will be deleted on sight here.

My policy for re-translating my translations into another language: Go ahead.
Get someone with Japanese knowledge to QC it, though.
A comment mentioning that you’ll be doing it would be nice too, along with a link to it.

Comments, rants, and anything else on the translations are welcomed. Go right ahead.

Donations / Tips – For my own personal benefit.
Wishlist – Increase the possibility of delayed translations.